I love this recipe, it is absolutely delici-oso! These breaded pan-fried salmon fillets are best served with steamed rice and spring mix salad, or broccoli...
Definitely give this a try if you have problems with salmon sticking to your grill grates. Since the fish never touches the grill here, it's easy on, easy...
Steelhead trout, also know as freshwater salmon, smoked to perfection with garlic and rosemary flavors. After the overnight marinade and the brine soak,...
You're going to love this quick-cured salmon technique. While the process is incredibly simple, the potential variations are endless. Whether you're talking...
I am a big fan of salmon skin, especially if it's salted and a bit crispy and chewy. This recipe gives me that. Plus, the way it's cooked, the fish has...
Growing up in Alaska, I loved salmon and halibut. Grilling is also a passion, so here is a quick and easy recipe for the best salmon that anyone can do....
This is a delicious, creative way to serve salmon. You can serve the salmon on a bed of cooked noodles (I enjoy fettuccine) or on its own with a side of...
Quick and easy meets delicious and wholesome in this wine-poached salmon with dill and scallions. Tastes great hot or can be refrigerated and enjoyed the...
Full of flavor with a hint of sweetness, this moist and delicious salmon is ready in under 10 minutes! You may want to add salt before serving if you are...
This baked salmon preparation is an appealing low calorie main dish. Seasoned with brown sugar, cilantro and lemon-pepper, and paired with white rice flavored...
What's the best thing about being a chef? It's being able to name your dishes anything you want! The exotic, tropical tang of the fruit and the richness...
This recipe is a surefire way to eat right, feel good, and maintain a light midsection while most importantly getting full. It's the perfect bourbon-glazed...
I am a salmon lover. This is a great recipe for a slightly exotic flavor of Indian inspiration with a maple twist. The flavor is exceptional, delicious,...
Salmon is versatile, highly nutritious, and can be bought fresh or frozen. This 'Indianised' recipe is quick, tasty, and ideal as a short snack or a meal...
Most of the time required for this tasty dish is in the marinating - the fish itself is ready in minutes! Full of flavor and easy to cook, this one is...
I was inspired by the locavore in me since the cherries were in season and I wanted to make something other than pie. If you are feeding hearty eaters,...
Cucumber salad perfectly accompanies a piece of grilled salmon. Salting and draining the cucumbers first intensifies their flavor and makes the salad less...
A delicious, unique way to prepare a wonderful fillet of salmon! People who think they don't like salmon may have something different to say about it after...
I live in Alaska and have 3 sons that love to fish. I have had to come up with some pretty creative ways to prepare salmon, this is by far my family and...
A delicious way to serve salmon so the whole family will enjoy. This recipe is moist and yummy from honey and lemon. Serve over a fresh salad, couscous,...
A little twist on your basic salmon recipe. It's healthy, delicious, and a real crowd pleaser! Make extra because everyone will want seconds! This recipe...